Healing with Your Higher Power: 

Awaken Your Intuitive Ability and Tap into Your Inner Healer

How to Awaken Your Intuitive Healing Powers and Unlock Your Full Potential to Help Others, Without Doubting Your Abilities or Hesitating to Trust Your Inner Knowing.

Get Immediate Access!

Gain The Energetic Edge and
Enhance Your Practice Through Awaking Your Inner Healer and Intuition.

Here is what a few practitioners had to say about this masterclass....

I have been learning about intuition for many years but after Kim's Masterclass I have a newfound understanding of intuition. I have gained trust and confidence in my abilities. - Donna C. Langham, Sk. Canada

I’ve been practicing intuition with other esoteric healers for years. This class offered a new opportunity to consider using cards to understand, peoples journey, rather than just assessing their chakras and working at the level of the soul. - Masterclass Participant

Just watching these three classes has enhanced my intuitive gifts and has given me more confidence than I've ever had in listening to my inner voice. - Masterclass Participant

This masterclass was exciting for advanced healers. Kim is engaging upbeat and a wise enthusiastic teacher of intuition. Our combined [group] energy helped access a higher vibration to imprint and discover for ourselves. - Jeanne T. Victoria BC

Kim gave more than I ever expected. Such a gracious, fun, kind, loving energy. This masterclass has helped me tune in to my intuition even more - in ways I hadn't thought of as intuition before. - Masterclass Participant
As a dedicated energy or holistic healer, I am thrilled to welcome you to a unique opportunity to super-charge your intuition in ways that will take your client work to the next level, and bring great benefits to your personal life as well.

Kim Chestney is a respected intuition teacher, author, and founder of the IntuitionLab. For more than 20 years, she has been researching just how intuition works, why some of us have easy access and others find it harder, and systematic ways to open and refine your intuitive flows whether you’re just starting or are already an expert.

She will lead our hands-on masterclass, and take you through identifying your personal intuition channel and archetype, get you deeply tuned in to your wisdom flows, help clear blocks you may have in the way of hearing the intuitive information that’s always there for you, and get you workshopping intuitive exchanges with other practitioners in the class.

We know there are lots of intuition classes out there. Trust us that this one is different.
Kim isn’t just a great intuitive, she was also a leader in the tech world, and brings scientific understandings about intuition that can help us left-brainers access it more easily. She understands intuition as “quantum thought” and an important way of knowing that is a complement to the regular thinking we do with our conscious mind.

Intuition is there for us 24/7, and meant to be accessed all the time – it’s not only for special occasions or when we have candles and incense around.

Kim believes the time is now for healers (and really everyone) to choose intuitive development and live from our higher, truer knowing. She has seen an increasing number of Fortune 500 CEOs and tech leaders alike recognizing the importance of intuitive knowing, or quantum thinking for their success. And she wants you to have this advantage, too. In your practice, and in your life.

Discover the Secrets of Intuition: Tap into Your Inner Guidance System

"If you look closely, you can see the magic everywhere. Since the day you were born, an invisible, intuition-accessible code has been infiltrating your reality. What if this code contains all the answers you seek but exists on a level that is out of reach for your thinking mind? What if your intuitive mind is the ultimate quantum computer — able to process an entirely different kind of information — if only you knew how to turn it on and use it.”

Why awakening your intuitive ability is the most valuable step to take to fully tap into your higher knowing and delivering profound healing experiences for your clients.

  • Unleash Your Inner Healer: Whether you’re just beginning to work with your intuition or are already practiced and ready to go to the next level, you will find this class powerful. Building deeper trust in your intuition and expanding the flow of divine energy through you will guide your healing sessions and allow you to be a conduit for profound healing for yourself and others.
  • Connect with Your Higher Power: Deepening your intuitive connection aligns you with your higher power and wisdom. By embracing intuition, you tap into the universal flow of healing energy, channeling it with clarity and purpose to support your practice and facilitate holistic well-being.
  • Enhance Healing Sessions: Hone your abilities to intuitively read and address energetic imbalances in clients. Tailoring your approach to root causes leads to deeper, lasting healing, enhancing the quality of care and supporting clients on their holistic well-being journey.
  • Trust Your Inner Guidance: Awakening intuition fosters trust in your inner guidance, distinguishing it from doubt or fear. Confidently navigate decisions and intuitive messages, empowering your role as a catalyst for positive change in people's lives.
  • Unlock Your Purpose and Potential: Embrace intuition to unlock your full potential as a healer, and in every aspect of your life. Learn to recognize the unique ways your intuition shows up for you, and build your connection so that you never feel lost, and can cut through confusion with clear knowing. Tune deeply into your purpose and your true expression separate from any old conditioning or fears. 
"Intuition is really becoming an evolutionary force in the world, in our culture, in our personal lives, n the way we relate to our spiritual practices – all of it. Intuition is bringing this sort of new energy and it’s very much tied to quantum physics and quantum understanding as well.” Kim Chestney

This Masterclass is for You 
if You've Experienced Any of These Challenges... 

Each healer's path is filled with its own set of obstacles, and if these challenges sound familiar, this masterclass is crafted to help you overcome them.
  • Trusting Your Intuition: If you doubt your intuitive abilities and hesitate to trust your instincts, this training is for you. Gain confidence and clarity to trust the messages you receive and connect with higher powers for healing.
  • Accessing Your Intuition: If accessing and channeling intuition is difficult, fear not! Explore quantum healing, learn your personal intuition type, and get exercises to build your intuitive “muscle.” This knowing is available to everyone, we just weren’t taught to cultivate it, so it got weak. You’ll get strong quickly with this class!
  • Navigating Pitfalls: If you fear making mistakes or causing harm in intuitive healing sessions, we've got you covered. Not only will you get guidance on navigating potential pitfalls with reassurance and confidence, you’ll workshop actual intuitive healing sessions during the course to build your skill and comfort. 
  • ​Starting Your Journey: If you're just beginning your journey as an energy healer or holistic practitioner, this presentation offers foundational techniques and knowledge to confidently start your healing practice.
  • ​Too Much Information, Not Enough Time: If you’re feeling overwhelmed with information, classes, and decisions coming at you from all directions, then put this class first. Developing your intuitive knowing will guide you reliably through work and life decisions, and point you to where your time and attention will serve you and move you forward with our life purpose.
If any of these challenges resonate with you, rest assured, you're in the perfect place! 

This Masterclass isn't just about addressing these hurdles; it's about transforming them into stepping stones for your growth. By joining us, you're embarking on a journey that will not only expand your understanding of intuition but also equip you with practical tools to seamlessly integrate it into your practice, and into all aspects of your life. 

What people are saying about 
Kim's work with Intuition....

  • “Kim Chestney expertly took me through the awesome journey of developing and integrating intuition into my life and work. I was fascinated to discover how intuition searches the past, present, and future, enabling us to connect with our hunches and feelings in nonlinear ways…the process brings true instinctual awareness into my daily life so that I can operate confidently."- Kim Moses, Executive Producer, Ghost Whisperer
  • “Radical Intuition is a personal invitation, wise guide, and compassionate companion on the journey of listening inward to access our vast intuitive wisdom.” - Jillian Pransky, Author of Deep Listening
  • "Working with Kim was like opening a whole new world that I never knew existed. She holds the keys to living a life that makes sense." - Jesse Karger, Intuitive Energy Healer 
  • ​“Kim’s course left me in awe and with such a profound understanding of my life and my purpose. I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to enhance their intuition skills, whether it be for personal life or even for business.”  - Angelina Minger, Usui/Holy Fire Reiki III Master Practitioner/Teacher
  • ​“After taking Kim’s course, my life will be forever awakened. I know I have the skills to make a difference in the world." - Tonya Williams, CIP, Holistic Practitioner

Why is Kim so Passionate to Help You Awaken Your Intuitive Ability?

We asked Kim why she is passionate about teaching others to increase their intuition? As a seasoned instructor who has more than 20 years of experience teaching intuition, author of three leading-edge books, and founded IntuitionLab, a global school for cultivating intuitive ability, she says that now is the time for everyone, healers especially, to lead with strong intuition.

Here is her story....
I am deeply committed to empowering energy healers and holistic practitioners to unlock their full potential and confidently help others on their healing journey. But to truly understand why I am so committed to helping you achieve the Bold Promise of How to Awaken Your Intuitive Healing Powers and Unlock Your Full Potential to Help Others let me take you back to the beginning of my own journey.

From a young age, I had always felt a deep connection to the unseen world around me. I've had experiences that most people would find hard to believe—seeing things, feeling presences, and even living in a haunted house for a time. These moments sparked a curiosity in me that never faded.

As I got older, my interest in understanding intuition only grew. I embarked on a journey to uncover the truth behind these unexplainable experiences. It became my life's work to explore how it was possible for me to know things that should have been impossible to know.

Even as I pursued a career in technology and worked alongside Fortune 500 companies and leading-edge innovators, the theme of intuition kept resurfacing. It seemed to permeate every aspect of life, showing up in unexpected places and connecting with the field of quantum physics.

With this realization, I knew I had to share my insights with the world. I wrote my second book, "Radical Intuition," which delved into the idea that intuition was becoming an evolutionary force in our culture and personal lives. It was a transformative journey that connected intuition with quantum understanding, bringing new energy and possibilities to our spiritual practices.

Throughout my own exploration of intuition, I realized that this work was not limited to those who were already deeply skilled in traditional concepts of intuition. It was a pathway that anyone could embark on, whether they were new to the world of intuition or seasoned practitioners.

Through my teachings, I aim to bridge the gap between intuition and science, showing that intuition is a learnable, universally-accessible force that holds the key to our wholeness and well-being.

It is my privilege to share my journey and insights with you. I want to support you in awakening your own intuitive abilities and tapping into your inner healer. Together, we can unlock your full potential to help others and create a positive impact on the world.

Kim Chestney, Founder of IntuitionLab
writer, artist + fellow traveler on the inner journey

 Healing with Your Higher Power Masterclass:  
Awaken Your Intuitive Ability and Tap into Your Inner Healer

Here's what we're going to cover together during the program:

DAY 1 
Awakening Your Inner Healer

  • Gain a foundational understanding of how intuition is the key to accessing your inner healer, and to return to resting in your wholeness, from where your full expression, and life path become clear and reveal themselves naturally. 
  • Discover YOUR intuitive channel with Kim’s proprietary quiz, and get in touch with the archetype that can help you explore and expand your access.
  • Attune your body, mind, heart, and spirit to the intuitive flow, allowing you to tap into your unique intuitive abilities and use them for self-healing and helping others. 
  • ​Learn to reliably differentiate between regular mind thoughts, and your intuitive messages.
  • ​Gain the confidence to trust your intuition, and learn how to apply that in all areas of your life.

Healing with Your 
Quantum Intelligence 

  • Tap into the quantum field to identify and unblock anything in your psyche that might be limiting your reconnection to your intuitive flows. 
  • Intuitively read and balance the chakras, and explore the wisdom held in the biofield through interactive experiences.  
  • Find the "purpose in the pain" of experience, so it can be released. 
  •  ​Learn how to use intuition to identify and address energetic imbalances, leading to a greater sense of well-being and a healthier life. 

Intuitive Healing Sessions

  • Workshop healing with your higher power with other participants so you’re ready to apply what you have learned to your own healing journey and the healing of others. 
  • ​Get support with creating your unique intuitive healing practice, find out how to apply intuition to Reiki, distance healing, and energy medicine, and learn best practices for using your intuition to support your practice. 
  • Practice identifying + unlocking healing blocks live in this masterclass through an intuitive process. 
  • ​Be able to confidently use your intuitive abilities to support the healing journey of yourself and others, creating lasting transformation and well-being.
What we Include in the Masterclass Structure:

Healing with Your Higher Power Masterclass 

Radically reconnect with your innate, intuitive power of healing. You have the ability to restore balance and wholeness by intuitively discovering the source of unconscious physical, emotional and psychological blocks. This interactive 3-part journey includes an array of tools and intuitive healing practices to help you to create an abiding sense of well-being in your life and in the lives of others. Conveniently held online via Zoom, this masterclass provides easy access from anywhere. Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage live with your instructor, Kim Chestney, and harness the full power of this transformative experience.

Masterclass Tools and Handouts:

 All attendees receive an Intuitive Healer’s Toolkit, including:
  • The Healer’s Companion: A Printable 52-Card Insight Card Deck
  • Intuitive Healing Workbook
  • Special Illumination Code Bonus: Supplemental Trainings on The Intuition of the Body, Energy Healing & Biofields

Ask the Expert Q&A:

At each teaching session - 
In our Ask the Expert Q&A Sessions, you'll have the opportunity to directly interact with our instructor Kim Chestney and ask any burning questions you have about intuitive healing and tapping into your higher power. These live Q&As are held during each masterclass session, providing you with the guidance and support you need to overcome any doubts or challenges you may face. You'll gain a deeper understanding of your intuitive abilities, receive personalized guidance, and connect with other like-minded practitioners in a supportive learning environment.

Masterclass at Your Fingertips: 
Recorded for Your Convenience

The entire masterclass will be recorded, ensuring you have unlimited access to all the valuable content whenever you want it. Whether you want to revisit specific techniques, refresh your knowledge, or delve deeper into intuition, the recorded sessions will be at your fingertips, making it a flexible and convenient learning resource. You can customize your learning experience and study at your own pace, allowing for optimal retention and integration of the material.

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Three Options for Enrollment

We're thrilled to offer you three options for accessing the upcoming Healing with Your Higher Power Masterclass!
OPTION #1: For our dedicated Energy Magazine subscribers, we thank you! Your enrollment in the masterclass is on us – a complimentary benefit of your subscription. Please register below ⬇︎ so you get the details, links and handouts for the masterclass.

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And....OPTION #3: Drumroll, please!  For those who like to pay more you can choose to enroll for the public access. But we don't recommend it!

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Here's What You'll Receive...
  • Healing with Your Higher Power Masterclass Recorded -  get access to three 75 minute on-line sessions
  • Quantum Human Design™ Masterclass with Karen Curry Parker - get access to three 75 minute on-line sessions
  • Energy Testing Masterclass Masterclass with Debra Hurt - get access to three 75 minute on-line sessions
  • ​+PLUS Because you are already a paid subscriber, you'll continue to receive your digital annual subscription to Energy Magazine and all of the subscriber bonuses worth over $1450

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Enroll in the Masterclass 

PLUS become an Energy Magazine Subscriber


Here's What You'll Receive...
  • Healing with Your Higher Power Masterclass Recorded - get access to three 75 minute on-line sessions (VALUE $297)
  • Quantum Human Design™ Masterclass with Karen Curry Parker - get access to three 75 minute on-line sessions (VALUE $297)
  • Energy Testing Masterclass Masterclass with Debra Hurt  - get access to three 75 minute on-line sessions (VALUE $297)
  • ​+PLUS you receive a digital annual subscription to Energy Magazine (6-issues) and all of the subscriber bonuses worth over $1450!
To take advantage of the Energy Magazine Subscriber enrollment first subscribe to Energy Magazine- then you will get access to this recorded Healing with Your Higher Power masterclass  in your subscriber bonus area. Access to this event and other Energy Magazine events as a paid subscriber is FREE!

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Public Enrollment


Here's What You'll Receive...
  • Healing with Your Higher Power Masterclass LIVE Online - Recorded   access to three 75 minute on-line sessions
  • Recording of the sessions so you can review anytime

Still Unsure? 

Listen to this exclusive interview with Kim to get a snapshot into what this masterclass is all about. 

Dive into the fascinating world of Intuition with our exclusive interview with your instructor, Kim Chestney, a seasoned practitioner with over 20 years of experience and author of three books on intuition. 

In this enlightening conversation, Kim shares invaluable insights into...

  • Kim's contemporary perspective on intuition, bringing quantum thought and spiritual knowing together to as practical applications for decision-making and personal growth. 
  • Insights into tapping into your inner healer, fostering holistic well-being and inner harmony.
  • The four intuitive pathways and corresponding archetypes, so that you can lean into your strongest channel, and build your supporting ones for clear self-awareness and empowerment.
  • ​Why intuitive knowing is so important, and a key to success in our modern world. And how even big-time CEOs and tech leaders leaning into intuition. 
Healing with Your Higher Power: Awaken Your Intuitive Ability and Tap into Your Inner Healer  
Exclusive Interview with Kim Chestney

Gain The Energetic Edge and
Enhance Your Practice Through Awaking Your Inner Healer and Intuition.

QUESTIONS?  Please reach out to us at Energy Magazine info@energymagazineonline.com

This event is sponsored by Energy Magazine 

DISCLAIMER: This presentation is for educational purposes only. Opinions or points of view expressed in this presentation represent the view of the presenter, and does not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Energy Magazine, it's employees or subscribers. Nothing in this presentation constitutes legal or medical advice. You are advised to seek an attorney for any of your professional legal issues, concerns or needs. It does not offer medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for qualified medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please take responsibility for your own health!    

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